For those all that want to make a change in their personal life, in their career or in their own business, I strongly recommend you to read this self-help classic.
What I personally like about this approach is that it straightly goes to break the belief that there is a magical way or a quick fix to achieve any change in life. On the contrary, for achieving any lasting and positive change you need to be aware of the paradigm you have to shift. Paradigms that come from your childhood or from society and you need to evaluate if they are or not aligned to your values. Once you realize, which are those paradigms that take you away from your goals it starts your own quest through the seven habits Stephen Covey proposes in this book.
When you conquer the three first habits (be proactive, beginning with the end in mind and put the first things first) you will grow from a dependence level to an independent level, which represent your private victory. You will take action to move quickly toward your goals, you will be aware and focus on the results you want to achieve and you will prioritize those tasks that approach you onto your goals.
Then, the next 3 habits (think win-win, seek first to understand than to be understood and synergize) are perhaps the most difficult to put into practice since we tend to see the issues from our own perspective, rather than trying to understand them from the point of view of others. However, if you are willing to further grow from an independence level to an interdependence level and enjoy the advantages that this growth would bring you and your organization, you should practice these three habits.
Finally, the habit number seven (sharpen the saw) reiterates the importance of keeping a balance between physical spiritual, mental, social and emotional priorities.
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